Have you ever started out with a very clear plan for the day and then something unexpected happens that throws off all your plans? In that moment, we have a choice:
Do we break or do we bend? Choosing to be flexible is a major key to inner peace and happiness.
Change is so often a part of life. We're on our way in one direction and then we need to change course. We think we're going to achieve our goal by doing one thing, but it turns out we need to do another thing instead. Rather than getting stuck, we can get creative. It's important we stay committed to our goals, but flexible in how we achieve them.
We can see flexibility in action in legendary athletes, like the way Kobe Bryant played basketball. Some players are good at shooting the ball from a distance, but not up close; or vice versa. Some shoot well with one hand but not the other. Players with limitations such as these are easier to stop because they don't have many options. They lack flexibility. In contrast, Kobe was able to make a basket from nearly anywhere on the court. He had a large repertoire of moves. If you stopped him one way, he went another. He had tremendous flexibility.
As a general principle, the more flexible we are in life, the more power we have. And wrap your head around this one: we need to be flexible enough to be inflexible at times, such as standing up for what we believe in.
Life is happening in every moment. The more we accept and adjust to the changes that come our way, the more we experience inner peace and happiness.
So, when we experience a day filled with unexpected events... instead of feeling disappointed, let's accept and adjust. Then we can acknowledge how well we adjusted to everything. One measure of success is how we respond to life, because that is what we can control. That is where a great deal of our power and freedom lies. And sometimes when we let go of how we expected things to go, we might realize that we got something even better than we planned!
Wishing you all the best,
Arjang Abraham Zendehdel
Founder and Head Trainer of Dreamality Education & Coaching
Radio Talk Show Host at KMET ABC Radio 1490 AM / 98.1 FM
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