What if we lived as if everything is a miracle?

Think of a time you experienced something amazing and thought, "Wow, what a miracle!" Remember feeling exhilarated, even blissful, definitely grateful.

Now, consider that we often define something as miraculous just because we're not used to it. It's beyond the ordinary. Let me explain...

Imagine if the sun were to rise only once in our lifetime. We would likely drop everything and proclaim it the most miraculous event we'd ever seen! But, because we see the sun every day, we consider it ordinary, normal, natural.

Yet the sun is a miracle! It gives us light, warmth, Vitamin D, and it does so every single day with great precision. Were the sun located just a bit further away or a bit closer than its precise distance of 92,960,000 miles from Earth, then life on our planet would cease to exist.

Miracles are actually happening around us all the time...

When the car stops just in time to avoid a crash. When we catch our toddler's hand just before he falls. When our body heals from illness. When a baby is born. 

Consider that the most sophisticated robot cannot match even a tiny fraction of the magnificent grace and sophistication of your body.  

And, that means each one of us is a product of a miracle! YOU are a miracle!

In fact, the miracle of nature is not to be found only in its once-in-a-lifetime events, but even more so in its regularity. It's the fact that the sun continues to rise each and every day to support our planet that makes it even more of a miracle.

How amazing would it be to feel grateful, exhilarated, even blissful every day? One key is to seek out the miracles all around you, to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to appreciate the uncommon within the common. Do this today and even better yet, regularly. Then enjoy how much richer and more joyous your life becomes!

Wishing you all the best,

Arjang Abraham Zendehdel
Founder and Head Trainer of Dreamality Education & Coaching
Radio Talk Show Host at KMET ABC Radio 1490 AM / 98.1 FM


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