Feeling anxious? Name it to tame it.

More and more, I hear about people feeling anxious. They feel unsettled and not sure why. Or they have recurring worries or panic attacks.

Have you ever felt like this? 

It's becoming so common that I even heard doctors are now screening for anxiety as part of the annual physical exam. Since I teach seminars and have coached countless people to release their anxiety and develop emotional fitness, I want to share with you my experience:

Anxiety is dislocated fear. 

When we feel "anxious," we're usually afraid of something but we're not sure what that is. On top of it, we may resist or be afraid to even look at our fears, so we remain in a consistent state of anxiety.

Fear (including anxiety) is usually there to try to protect us from some perceived future pain/suffering, so that we'll feel good. Yet, fear comes at a huge cost, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, results-wise and more. Paradoxically, by being afraid we're guaranteed to immediately feel bad, in order to protect us from some future suffering that may never happen. Rather than protecting us, fear literally strips us from the good feeling we want to achieve! 

So, one vital key to overcoming anxiety is...

Get clear about what you fear. As psychiatrist and author Dan Siegel famously said, "Name it to tame it."

When I'm coaching people who feel anxious, I take them through a powerful process I created called Fear into Power™. There are...

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