Dreamality Life II

Our revolutionary 9-week Dreamality Life II seminar teaches you how to access your subconscious and develop "self-mastery” over your emotions. (Prerequisite: Dreamality Life I


Discover Emotional Transformation™

Emotional Intelligence (EQ), which is the ability to deal with our emotions, has been shown to be more important than IQ in determining success and effectiveness. Popular techniques like Anger Management just teach you how to manage your unwanted emotions, not get rid of them.

At Dreamality, we go above and beyond any other process we’re aware of in the world. You learn our revolutionary step-by-step Emotional Transformation™ techniques to rapidly eliminate and transform your negative emotions. Because no two emotions are the same, each with its own unique “programming,” you learn step-by-step techniques to clear and transform your specific negative emotions and patterns at a deep subconscious level.

Find out how to maintain a positive state of being – any time, any place, with any one. Experience a significant raise in your Emotional Intelligence.

Root-Level Subconscious Transformation

Our expertise is to support you to access your subconscious / unconscious – the approximate 95% of the mind that carries your automatic emotions and patterns. We go beyond hypnosis, which is a monologue to the mind. Instead, we teach you our exclusive Precision Transformation Technology™ so you can literally dialogue with and transform (reprogram) your own subconscious. This enables you to quickly remove limitations and blockages that you may or may not have been aware of… allowing you to create deep, lasting change. We also teach you how to access the unlimited power of your Superconscious – your higher consciousness.

By the end of the seminar, you will be expressing the following declaration daily. More importantly, using the cutting-edge techniques you learned in Dreamality Life II, you will LIVE this every day.


Upcoming Dreamality Life II Schedule - Spring 2025

Thursdays May 1, 8; Tuesday May 13; Thursdays May 22, 29; June 5, 12, 19; Graduation Monday June 23; from 6:30 pm to about 9:30/10 pm Pacific Time. You can now participate in Dreamality live in person in Los Angeles or from wherever you are on Zoom! Everything is aligned to support you achieve your potential and live your dreams now.

Join us to discover...

  • 7 Core Desires™: Understand your deepest driving forces and the keys to motivating yourself and others.
  • Alternate Strategy™ / Strategy Upgrade™: Get rid of your ineffective habits and patterns at a root level and develop empowering habits.
  • Self Coaching™: Access and reprogram your Subconscious – the 95% of your mind that habitually runs your life; access your Superconscious – your profound internal wisdom and intuition; and access your inner child – your zest for life.
  •  Self Mediation™: Resolve your inner conflicts and create inner harmony & wholeness
  •  Anger into Peace™: Transform anger, annoyance, frustration, hate, etc. and achieve inner peace.
  • Dependency into Freedom™: Release attachments and addictions, attain independency and interdependency, and experience true freedom and mastery.
  • Regression Repatterning™: Regress to your past (a form of inner time travel) – including your childhood, the womb of your mother, past lives or past generations – to deeply heal the root causes of your issues, thus powerfully transforming your present and your future.
  • Sadness into Joy™: Quickly release sadness, grief, depression, etc. and experience unconditional joy.
  •  And more…

"My life is more purposeful. I am calm, focused, peaceful and relaxed… I have read so many self-help and psychology books, and listened to tapes. But the results that I have gained from Arjang have been tremendous. His style is unique."

Medical Assistant

"Before I used to just hope my life is going to get better. Now I’m creating the life I want. My relationship with my husband and loved ones has improved a lot. We increased our income many fold, while working less hours. I’m a better wife and mother. And I’m feeling much happier and more peaceful."

Dr. Maryam Hadian

"I noticed that my whole emotional state and being has become much more positive and happy. Every action that I take towards my goals in life, I take them peacefully and with certainty."

Helen Zaghi

"A huge change has happened in my life… It’s so amazing how I can handle my life smoothly and happily now. No matter how hectic the situation is, I find it so easy to handle. I love this harmonious, loving and balanced life of mine."

Ramona Nazari
Satisfied Dreamality Participant

"I have vastly improved the quality of my relationships and I have become a much more powerful and peaceful individual. The clarity which this seminar provides is profound and deep."

Maziar Malakouti
Freelance Cinematographer

"With Dreamality’s support, I took the necessary measures to shed over 160 pounds about 6 years ago and have kept if off! I also used to have anger towards my mom for many decades, making it hard to even speak with her without fighting; and now I feel at peace with her and even communicate with her for long periods calmly. Dreamality supported me tremendously in many areas of my life!"

Sarah T.
Social Worker

"I have a sense of power over my mind, emotions and life. The class and techniques are very useful and really last. I wake up every day feeling good, feeling free! I’m happy! I don’t need a reason to be happy. It’s not like I’m happy because of x, y, and z; I’m happy regardless of."

Satisfied Dreamality Participant
UCLA Student

Arjang Zendehdel

Dreamality Founder, President, Head Trainer & Head Coach

For more than 30 years, Arjang Zendehdel has been training and researching in over 14 different disciplines to master the secrets of success and fulfillment. He has shared his discoveries with hundreds of thousands of people worldwide as executive producer and popular radio talk show host on KRSI, KIRN 670AM and KMET ABC Radio for more than 11 years.

In 2002, Arjang founded Dreamality Education & Coaching to teach people how to achieve their potential and live their dreams with his innovative and proven step-by-step system for creating results. He invented some of the most cutting-edge techniques in the world called Precision Transformation Technology™, including the revolutionary Emotional Transformation™ techniques. Through life-changing seminars and high-end personal coaching, Dreamality has already supported thousands of people to take quantum leaps forward in performance and quality of life. Learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our leading-edge 9 week Dreamality Life II seminar teaches you how to access your subconscious and achieve “self-mastery”. Emotional Intelligence (EQ), which is the ability to deal with our emotions, has been shown to be more important than IQ in determining success, fulfillment and effectiveness. The most popular techniques out there teach us to just manage our emotions (e.g. anger management), meaning our unwanted emotions aren’t necessarily eliminated. In Dreamality Life II, we go above and beyond any other process we’re aware of in the world. You learn our revolutionary step-by-step Emotional Transformation™ techniques to rapidly eliminate and transform your negative emotions and patterns at a root, subconscious level. Find out how to maintain a positive state of being – any time, any place, with any one. Experience a significant raise in your EQ. For a breakdown of the amazing things you gain from Dreamality Life II, see our curriculum above (where it says “Join us to discover…”).

Reading books or videos simply does not compare to being in a seminar where you get to interact with our Head Trainer Arjang Zendehdel and also benefit from the power of synergy with fellow participants. We’ve developed our virtual seminars to incorporate the interactivity of our in-person seminars. Participating in the weekly seminar keeps you accountable to the goals you set for yourself, plus we support you to practice what you’re learning and take action. What might take years or decades to learn on your own, if at all, can be compressed into just a couple months. We support you to achieve results faster, easier and with a lot more fun! Also, Dreamality has created a proprietary easy-to-follow system consisting of profound wisdom, plus revolutionary tools and techniques we call Precision Transformation Technology™. See below for how we uniquely support you.

Here are 12 areas about us we have identified which make us unique. These are headings and you can read more in depth about each here.

  1. Innovative step-by-step system
  2. Profound wisdom integrated from more than 14 different disciplines
  3. Precision Transformation Technology™
  4. Emotional Transformation™
  5. Optimal learning
  6. Root-level subconscious transformation
  7. Simple, clear, usable, practical, lasting and high-impact
  8. Empowering, energizing sanctuary
  9. Achieve success, effectiveness and fulfillment in your whole life
  10. On-going, caring support and personal attention
  11. Life skills to use every day to create results forever
  12. Accelerated and lasting transformation

For the above reasons and more, people have called Dreamality the most effective personal development program they’ve ever done. See testimonials. 

There are 168 hours in a week. The seminar is about 3 to 3 ½ hours a week, amounting to about 3% of your waking hours for just 9 weeks. If you think you don’t have that time, then you’re probably overwhelmed and don’t have time for a lot of things you want to do in your life. That’s exactly why it’s great for you to take our seminar to learn how to be more effective, more efficient, and actually GAIN time.  You’ll likely gain thousands of hours over a lifetime by doing this seminar.  You’ll also probably use the powerful skills you learn at Dreamality daily for the rest of your life in all aspects of your life, more than your formal education.  Are you and your life – your dreams, career, relationships, well-being, happiness, power, peace, etc. – worthy of a minimal investment of time? We think so!

The seminar is exactly that – an investment in yourself, by far the most important thing you can invest in. Why? Because you are the most important factor in your fulfillment and success. Other people have used what they learned at Dreamality to increase their income by 10 to 1000%, to even make more money while working less (see testimonials). What you invest as your seminar tuition comes out to only about $25/hour or equivalent to having a cup of coffee every day for a few months. That’s very inexpensive to learn our proven, proprietary step-by-system and techniques. And, what would be the cost of not taking the seminar? What would be the cost of continuing to have the same problems and issues? Are you and your life – happiness, peace, power, well-being, relationships, career, dreams, etc. – worthy of a minimal investment? We think so!

You now have the option to join us live and in person in Los Angeles! At the same time, there is a camera in the room focused on Arjang and broadcast via Zoom to participants who are not local or prefer to join us online. Online participants still interact with Arjang, other Leadership Staff and seminar participants. We’re finding that people are really enjoying the hybrid programs we have done so far. Your seminar takes place live, so you can interact with us either way. We also use Accelerated Learning techniques to make it engaging and fun! In addition, if you are on Zoom you have the convenience of being in your own home or office, and the freedom to move in your own space. You don’t have travel time. No traffic. Just hop on your computer or phone. It’s almost like we’re in the same room. We’re using Zoom, which is easy to use and very reliable, and even has breakout rooms so you’ll be able to interact with fellow participants. Plus, you still have access to all of the seminar materials and handouts, available for you to download.


Dreamality Life II Tuition

The investment you make in your life is priceless. The tuition for your 9-week Dreamality Life II seminar is $1,125. Choose one of our special tuition offers, available for a limited time:

$1,125 Regular Tuition
1 Payment of Only


Comes out to only about $34/hour for 26+ hours of live education

Includes downloadable Dreamality Seminar Manual 

Plus $100 Gift Certificate towards Personal Coaching with Dreamality Founder Arjang Zendehdel


$1,125 Regular Tuition
2 Payments of Only


Comes out to only about $34/hour for 26+ hours of live education

Includes downloadable Dreamality Seminar Manual 

Plus $100 Gift Certificate towards Personal Coaching with Dreamality Founder Arjang Zendehdel


$1,125 Regular Tuition
3 Payments of Only


Comes out to only about $34/hour for 26+ hours of live education

Includes downloadable Dreamality Seminar Manual 

Plus $100 Gift Certificate towards Personal Coaching with Dreamality Founder Arjang Zendehdel


Opportunity for Dreamality Graduates

If you graduated from a past Dreamality Life II seminar, you can re-take this profound seminar either in person or on Zoom! Join us now to review and master the powerful life skills and techniques, and accelerate your growth and transformation. Ask about our extra-discounted Reviewer's Tuition.


Upgrade your life!

For a complementary phone consultation to discuss how Dreamality can specifically support you, call us at (310) 573-1325. If the upcoming dates don't work for you, ask us about future dates. Register now with our special tuition offers and you'll have credit for up to 2 years to attend. We also appreciate your sharing about us with others – you’d be making a phenomenal difference in their lives.


50% Complete

Two Step

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