Join us LIVE in person or on Zoom for our Dreamality Graduation & Introductory Seminar on Monday September 23rd!

  • Gain powerful insights and techniques to immediately upgrade your mental/emotional state and life.
  • Celebrate our newest graduates as they share their profound transformations.
  • Discover how our innovative programs can support you to experience unconditional joy, calm, strength, enhanced relationships, greater success and so much more!

Save your spot now and join us from 6:30 pm to approximately 9:00 pm Pacific Time, with check-in at 6:15 pm. If possible, we encourage you to attend in person. Otherwise, you’re welcome to join us on Zoom. The location is 12304 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 115, West Los Angeles, CA 90025. Register now using the form below or call us at (310) 573-1325. This one evening could change the course of your life for the better, forever.

Register now to join us on Monday September 23rd!

"“Before I used to just hope my life is going to get better. Now I’m creating the life I want. My relationship with my husband and loved ones has improved a lot. We increased our income many fold, while working less hours. I’m a better wife and mother. And I’m feeling much happier and more peaceful.”"

Dr. Maryam Hadian

"“My life is more purposeful. I am calm, focused, peaceful and relaxed… I have read so many self-help and psychology books, and listened to tapes. But the results that I have gained from Arjang have been tremendous. His style is unique.”"

Medical Assistant

"“By using all the tools, techniques and guidance from Dreamality, I improved in various ways. I am successful. I feel confident and strong regardless of external circumstances. I’m clear and complete with my past relationships. I am currently married to a lovely woman. I’ve increased my company’s revenue and personal income by about 10 times. I’m also exercising regularly and feeling great health-wise.”"

Asher Shalom

Arjang Abraham Zendehdel

Founder and Head Trainer of Dreamality Education & Coaching

For more than 30 years, Arjang Zendehdel has been training and researching in over 14 different disciplines to master the secrets of success and fulfillment. He has shared his discoveries with hundreds of thousands of people worldwide as executive producer and popular radio talk show host on KRSI, KIRN 670AM and KMET ABC Radio for more than 11 years. In 2002, Arjang founded Dreamality Education & Coaching to teach people how to achieve their potential and live their dreams. As President and Head Trainer of Dreamality, Arjang has created an innovative and proven step-by-step system for creating results in all aspects of life. To do so, he has combined profound wisdom integrated from 14 disciplines and invented some of the most cutting-edge techniques in the world called Precision Transformation Technology™, including the revolutionary Emotional Transformation™ techniques. Through life-changing seminars and high-end personal coaching, Dreamality has already supported thousands of people to take quantum leaps forward in performance and quality of life. Learn more.

Not available to attend our upcoming Dreamality Introductory Seminar yet? Sign up to receive insights, notifications of radio programs/podcasts, info about upcoming events and more!

Sign up!

"All glory comes from daring to begin."

Eugene F. Ware


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