The best moments of our lives all have this in common

The best moments of our lives all have this in common: we are fully present during them. Think about that delicious meal when you savored every bite... that deep conversation with a close friend... even that exhilarating ride on the roller coaster. Whatever you were doing when you felt fulfilled, you were totally in the moment and experiencing it fully. If you weren't present, you probably didn't register it as a great time.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in all the things we have to do that we miss what's happening right now. We live mostly in the past, in regret, anger, etc. Or we rush through the day thinking about the next thing, and the next and the next. We live mostly in the future, worrying or thinking "I'll be happy when..." And we only "visit" the present. But, our lives are happening right now, in every moment. So, what can we do?

Live in the present. When appropriate, visit the past to learn from an experience or enjoy a memory, and visit the future to plan for an occasion or set your goals. But, live in the present. Make everything an end onto itself and not just a means, because this is your life right now. All we have is this moment.


Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift.

That's why it's called the present!

Practice being present by tuning in to one or more of your five senses. Notice what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch right now. Do this when you are about to start a...

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